Summary of the old year and plans for 2021
I cordially greet you in the new 2021 year.
Due to the fact that earlier I did not have time to summarize the previous year, I decided that I will do it now because, as the custom dictates, the turn of the year is an occasion to summarize and reflect on the passing time.
Nothing boosts energy like a positive attitude to work - but more on that in a moment.
As you probably know while reading my previous entries, this year was full of changes for me, both in my professional and private life.
After graduating from school, I wanted to start a career on YouTube to do it as a so-called full-time job.
However, as it usually happens, youthful shoots often Life verifies our plans.
It turned out that the lack of funds for the development of the channel in a professional manner and as it forced me to look for alternative forms of earning in order to be able to save an appropriate amount to start my own channel.
Of course, my expansion plans on YouTube have been kind of postponed, but still remain my main goal.
Due to the fact that I did not want to lose touch with the Internet industry and the Internet activity in general, I did not want to look for a job outside this sector.
The choice fell on the activity in the so-called website optimization - in a company that is referred to as an SEO agency.
This industry and its scope of activities seemed very interesting because in the future I will be able to use the acquired knowledge to promote my own channel and blog.
So I was hired as a junior specialist in an SEO agency dealing with website promotion and general Internet marketing.
People who know me also know everything, I approach everything with full commitment and give 120% of myself every time, no matter what project I'm dealing with.
It was no different in this case, after a few months, my efforts were noticed and the progress I was making and the results I achieved in my activity - resulted in the fact that quite recently, before the end of the year, I was advanced into a specialist.
What does a promotion look like in a company - an SEO agency?
Promotion to the position of an independent specialist gives many opportunities, but at the same time involves a lot of responsibility.
In my case, the promotion meant that I was assigned an individual project for which I am responsible directly to my supervisor and the client.
Apart from commissioned activities, I am responsible for planning optimization strategies for a given website or store. In our company, we deal with both e-commerce and company websites.
From now on, I arrange contacts with copywriters, photos and other people responsible for the technical part of the website, such as webmasters and programmers who often have to correct errors on our clients' websites.
Overall, organizational activities require the acquisition of extensive technical and marketing knowledge.
You need to know how Index Gogole works. You need to know concepts like SSL, HTTPS, page load time, compatibility with mobile devices, browser snippets and many more.
What are the contacts and the employee community in an SEO agency?
The new job was also an opportunity to make new friends.
It just so happened that at work I met a nice head of our department.
Long working hours, often after hours until late in the evening, meant that our relationship went from a strictly professional level to a private level.
I do not want to reveal more details here because I know that among the readers of this blog there are also employees of my agency. And why add fuel to the fire and give rise to new rumors?
Nevertheless, this year was very good for me, despite the hard work, I feel great satisfaction with my own development and promotion.
I decided that next year I will continue my projects in the SEO agency while slowly thinking about launching my own YouTube channel.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank a certain person who helped me a lot in my work and life last year. This is a contract agent at our agency named Gary.
Gary is a freelance analyst who frequently carries out assignments for us and our clients.
It just so happens that when I was hired, I received training from Gary. The training was very fruitful and the lecturer himself turned out to be a very nice man who helped me many times, even though I realize that I was not an easy student.
As far as I know, Gary is also passionate about creating his own blog and has been writing it for several months.
Summing up the year 2020, it is impossible to ignore the huge tragedy of the coronavirus pandemic.
For many families it was a tragic time when they had to say goodbye to their loved ones. They also often suffered from illness themselves.
Fortunately for me, personally and professionally, the pandemic did not do much harm - but few people were as lucky as I was.
All those who passed away this year and orphaned their children should be mentioned.
It is worth paying tribute to all the heroic health professionals who bravely faced this terrible problem they have faced all over the world. Their choices were often tragic because they had to decide who to help first.
The pandemic has also caused enormous economic damage.
Many companies collapsed and families lost their livelihood. Often, when they lost their assets, you know, banks canceled their loans and lost their financial liquidity.
However, I look with hope for the future and hope that the vaccine and other supportive drugs will allow us to return to normal
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